Thursday, December 21, 2006

Not so Patient... in the Waiting Place

There is this place in life where God sometimes brings us - The Waiting Place. Living in this place is like knowing that Christmas is coming, but you aren't sure when it is, and it may not come for a very long time. The Waiting Place is like sitting for a long day; you want to get up and run around, but you know you can't... yet.

I've thought I was in the Waiting Place in previous years, but I realize that I was just in that place where you are getting trained. Trained to wait. Trained to be still. Trained to be in quiet.

This is the place where you have no options but to "Be Still and know I AM is God." It is the place where the shadows of hopes and dreams have been driven out and even a moment of creativity comes as a fresh breeze. I want to start moving in a direction, but I can't. I want to get ready for the next thing, but I don't know what it is. I don't feel fear or foolishness or pride. I feel like God says to me, "Be Still." I ask, "How long?" I get no answer, just his smile and a sparkle in his eye. I remember him once saying, "You can't figure this out, Jess. I can sneak up behind you and surprise you." I await a surprise. I await an adventure. I await something amazing. I await my Jesus, and I know that I will not be disappointed.

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