Friday, January 23, 2009


I just read through some old entries - over a year ago when I last posted. In the previous entry I talked about learning the importance of relying on community. I even mentioned a future post, so here is the future post.

Why is it difficult for us humans to make our limitations known? Why is it difficult for us to ask for help except when situations are dire?

Lately, situations are dire. My husband is facing major surgery and immobility. What his hip doesn't prevent him from doing his medicine does. He is as sweet and helpful as he can be - but with limited mobility and chronic pain comes limited ability.

There is too much for me to do - my job can be overwhelming all by itself. Creating space and time for rest and peace and living is hard. Add an impending move (just down the stairs but a move none the less), deciding where to get major surgery, how to pay for it, whether or not you can take the time off work to be with husband during said surgery, and how to move forward.

I cannot do this on my own.

Enter community...

I have been overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of the people in my congregation. Tremendous offers of love and support. My youth group volunteered to help us move. Friends have said, "I will not say 'call if you need anything' instead I will ask, 'What can I do?'" I have prayer warriors battling for my husband and I. I have people offering time and energy to help in any way. I have family doing research and supporting me.

I am not alone. I am in community.

So they learn my limitations. So they see me cry at church. So they hear me wrestle with faith and God and joy and peace. So they learn my weaknesses.

I believe Christ said that the truth will set us free. True community demands that the truth about who we are comes to the surface and the result...

we are set free!