Monday, August 06, 2007

Being Destroyed

Ministry is destroying me in all the best ways.

Today I sat and talked to a lady who is in her 60s and has had major tragedies in her life. She is one of the individuals who does the technology stuff for the Saturday evening service. We just switched programs and she has dedicated herself to learning the program thoroughly.

Anyway, she asked me to come look at what she was doing, so I came down and we started talking. She told me about her husband's death, and the ways it has made her struggle with her faith. She shared about her son who has walked away from God, about the way her sister got her written out of her parents' will, her experience working with youth in the schools.

I was amazed by her story. What if those of us in the church knew each other's stories? How much richer this world would be!

I may have found the job that I was made for.